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Guest Character Profiles > Alyssa Gavalas Imogen Sage

Alyssa Gavalas 2024
Marital Status: George
Children: Max

When Byron Stone was walking Trevor, the dog belonging to his housemate Haz Devkar, in the park one day, a woman walked by and immediately recognised Trevor as her missing dog, Bodie. Though Byron was initially sceptical, Trevor did seem to respond to the woman, and she knew about a mole under his left ear, and she gave Byron her number, asking him to get Haz to contact her. As Byron and Mackenzie trawled the Erinsborough Community Page online, they eventually found a post from seven months earlier, with Alyssa and a dog that looked a lot like Trevor, mentioning that he was missing. As that had been around the time that Haz had brought Trevor home from the rescue centre, they assumed that Alyssa must have been telling the truth and encouraged Haz to speak to her.

Unfortunately, Haz was already struggling in his personal life, having just split up with Holly Hoyland and trying to make sense of his feelings for Mackenzie, and he wouldn't even entertain the idea that he was about to lose Trevor too. When Alyssa tried to talk to him on the phone, he claimed that he didn't know what she was talking about, and that she must have the wrong number. He then decided to keep Trevor inside the house at all times, worrying his friends as he asked them to remove any pictures of Trevor from their social media. After a few days, however, Haz realised that he couldn't live in constant fear of Trevor being dognapped and so he phoned Alyssa and they arranged to meet. Alyssa explained that her son, Max, had been given the dog by his grandmother before she died and was refusing to let his parents throw away the dog bed. Feeling guilty, Haz decided to return Trevor to the Gavalas family and said an emotional goodbye. It wasn't long, however, before Trevor turned up at no. 32, having run away, and Mackenzie wondered if a shared custody agreement might be a solution to allow Haz and Trevor to keep seeing each other. She met with George, Alyssa's husband, who admitted that the dog was struggling with being back in his old home, constantly trying to escape, and that the best solution might be for him to go back to living with Haz, who was then delighted when Mackenzie returned home with Trevor for a happy reunion.

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8970, 8976

Biography by Steve
