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Neighbourhood > Guest Character Profiles > Mike Pill Alexander Cappelli

Mike Pill 2005
Occupation: Student

Erinsborough High’s most popular guy, Mike Pill, was on the arm of Shazza Cox when new student Janae Timmins spotted him. This little imposition wouldn’t stop Janae, however, who saw Mike as a fast ticket to popularity at her new school. Soon, Mike had swapped Shazza for Janae and was treating his new girlfriend like dirt – even allowing his mate, Jimmy, to have a quick grope of her, since he hadn’t had a girlfriend of his own in so long.

When Mike and Janae attended a local all-ages rage together, she was horrified when he asked her to kiss his mate, Jimmo, to make Jimmo’s girlfriend jealous. Janae poured her drink over Mike and walked away, but it wasn’t long before she was back in his arms. This time, Janae’s older brother, Dylan, attempted to intimidate Mike, which resulted in the two boys having a fight in class. Deciding that she wasn’t worth the hassle, Mike told Janae that it was over. Desperate to keep her man, Janae begged him for one last chance and ended up having unprotected sex with him. Afterwards, she asked him to take her to the chemist to get the emergency pill, but he didn’t turn up to give her a lift, so she ended up walking. This was the final straw for Janae, who later spotted his car in the Lassiter’s car park, ripped off his windshield wipers and handed them back to him at the General Store, before telling him that their relationship was over – for good.

Several weeks later, Mike ran into Dylan, and his girlfriend, Sky Mangel, at Lassiter’s. Dylan had agreed to put his violent past behind him and Mike took the opportunity to goad him into a fight, which Mike easily won. As the goading continued, Dylan secretly agreed to another fight with Mike and asked Sky’s ex-boyfriend, Boyd Hoyland, who had been training in the martial art of aikido, to help him prepare. Although Sky eventually found out, she was also sick of Mike’s constant jibes, and surprised Dylan by allowing the fight to go ahead. When the day of the fight eventually came, Boyd encouraged Dylan to hold back, and dodge Mike’s punches until he wore himself out. The tactic worked, and Dylan was eventually able to get Mike on the ground, where he told him that he wasn’t about to fight him and they were simply both going to walk away from the situation and forget about their ridiculous feud.

As the school year drew to a close, Mike went down the coast and met Karen Chambers, who turned out to be an old enemy of Janae's from Colac High School. Coincidentally, Janae and Boyd, who had since got together, were having a break in the area, and a feud quickly broke out between the two girls. In the end, however, Boyd convinced Janae to rise above it, and, as Karen took another swipe, Janae broke the news that she'd already been out with Mike, and had dumped him, before walking away with her head held high. A few months later, Janae learnt, through secretly reading his file at the surgery, that Mike had been diagnosed as HIV positive. As Mike went away on holiday with his parents to digest the news, Janae was herself tested, but the results showed that she was in the clear.

Notes: Alexander Cappelli previously played Barry Shears in 2002, as well as Dusk Dundler and Rueben Alecantero in 2003.

Biography by Steve



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