> Lassiter's
> Lassiter's Lake
Lassiter's Lake & Rotunda 1986-
Originally home to Jack Lassiter's caravan, Lassiter's parkland, home of the lake and rotunda has been the location of many of the show's more emotional moments, from the blossoming of a new romance or a wedding to the more distressing moments such as a break-up, many a memorial service and performances by Oodles ‘O’ Noodles. It was also the location of Robert Robinson's arrest and the home of Karl & Susan's forbidden spot from October 1997, which they revisited in June 2006.
Whilst the parkland itself has not changed dramatically over the years, other than the trees and shrubs becoming more established, the main differences have been to the paintwork on the Rotunda and other fencing changing from an orange/red colour to grey/green and back again, with fencing changing between grey/green and white. In 2010, the pier was extended to create a full-length walkway across the lake.
Lassiter's Lake also seems to be a magnet for engagement and wedding rings, with many having ended up in there over the years, such as those belonging to Madge Ramsay, Liljana Bishop & Lyn Scully. Other items to have ended up in the lake at some point or another include a gun, a drum kit, a shopping trolley and Oscar Scully's ball. Kerry Bishop's memorial plaque is also located here, using the name of Mangel, having first been seen in 2007.
Key moments (with episode links where available)
Steph and Toadie's Sham Wedding
Donna tells Leigh 'Nick' Nixon that he is her dad
Mother's Day Picnic 2010
Max's Departure
Paul and Gail's Fake Wedding
Dylan's Memorial
Stuart proposes to Flick
Michelle & Connor sleep in the rotunda
Marc and Stephanie's Wedding: Part 2
Marc and Stephanie's Wedding: Part 1
Philip and Ruth's Wedding
Helen's Memorial
Harold and Madge Renew Their Vows
Cody's Memorial Service Helen & Reuben's Wedding



