Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6
Written by Reg Watson, Directed
by Mark Joffe, Produced by John Holmes
Channel Seven: 25/03/85, BBC One: 03/11/86, UK Gold: 09/11/92
• Danny and Max argue. Danny tells his father he wants nothing more than to get a job to move out of home and away from him
• Lorraine is told by Des she’s willing to negotiate for the return of her furniture to No 28 but he has no intention of playing anymore of her emotional games
• Marcia Taylor inadvertently plays an edited conversation implying Scott and Kim had sex. Kim runs from the classroom
Schoolyard: Scott chases after a sobbing Kim. He tries to get her to stay so they can prove they have done nothing wrong and confront their parents. Kim has no intention of staying and angrily tells Scott to stay away from her before running off.
No 26 - Lounge/Scott and Paul's bedroom: Scott arrives home and goes straight to his room. Helen sensing there is a problem follows Scott to his bedroom and asks if all is okay. Scott tells her he is okay.
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The Taylor house - Lounge: Marcia is determined to take Kim to the doctors so she can be checked to see if Scott raped her. Kim shouts down her mother telling her nothing happened and the tapes were edited to make it sound bad. Marcia asks why Kim wanted to start taking the contraceptive pill and Kim admits she did try to talk to her mother about it but all she kept talking about was promiscuity.
Marcia warns Kim she’ll regret the day she got involved with Scott.
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No 26 - Lounge/kitchen/Scott and Paul's bedroom: Jim arrives home early after being told from the headmaster at Scott’s school what has happened. Helen is still bemused by what has happened as Jim goes to see Scott in his room. Jim explains Danny has admitted the tape was doctored and Scott protests his innocence. Jim takes some effort to convince Scott they have to see the Taylor’s but Scott is worried when Jim explains he could face carnal knowledge charges.
Outdoor swimming pool: Max and Shane are training when Danny arrives to inform Max that the headmaster at his school wants to see him but he is not really to blame. Max believes Danny must be to blame and the two argue resulting in Danny storming off feeling Max is not going to support him. Shane can only look on.
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No 26 - Kitchen: Paul is preparing a snack when Danny arrives to see Scott. He promises it was just a gag and never meant for Marcia Taylor to hear. Paul calls it stupid but understands Danny meant no harm. He advises Danny wait until after the Taylor’s have been seen before trying to speak to Scott.
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The Taylor house - Lounge: Jim arrives with Scott to talk to the Taylor’s. Marcia has no intention to involve Kim to resolve the issues but Neil Taylor over rules her, and brings Kim into the room. Jim tries to make it clear that the tape was edited as a joke and Neil comes to the point – Did they have sex? Scott tells them no and they question why he would ask Kim out. Pressured, Scott admits he loves Kim. The Taylor’s do not believe him and Scott leaves. Marcia asks Jim to keep Scott away from her daughter.
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No 26 - Lounge: Scott explains to Jim that he really does love Kim. But it all started when he began feeling sorry for the way she was treated at school and she was alone. Then they started talking and before he knew it he had feelings for her. Jim reminds Scott he fell in love with his mother at 16. He suggests Scott discusses it through with Helen, as she was a great help when Jim needed her after his mother died. Scott reiterates how much he loves Kim.
No 26 - Kitchen/lounge: Helen explains how she was determined to marry young but when she did it came with lots of problems. Her opinion was then passed onto daughter Anne & Jim that they should not marry early because of those hard times. Helen admits if she could go back then she’d give her blessing to Jim to marry Anne so they could have had more time together. Jim reminds her that Scott doesn’t want marriage but Helen tells him she is biased to give any sort of opinion. The doorbell goes and Jim answers to find a fraught Marcia & Neil Taylor who ask if Kim is with them as she has disappeared. Jim assures them Kim is not there and Scott is in bed asleep.
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No 26 - Scott and Paul's bedroom: In his bedroom, Scott awakes to hear the Taylors talking about Kim going missing and gets up disturbing Paul.
No 26 - Lounge: The Taylors ask to call he police as Scott emerges from his room. He has no idea where Kim is and Marcia can only attack Scott again, threatening the police. Jim tells Marcia he believes Scott is not at fault here.
No 26 - Scott and Paul's bedroom: Scott returns to his room and wakes a sleepy Paul. Scott gets dressed and starts packing.
No 26 - Lounge: The police confirm they are on their way. Jim wants a chat with Scott before they arrive and goes to the boys’ bedroom.
No 26 - Scott and Paul's bedroom: Jim goes into the boys' room to find only Paul and that Scott has run away.
Abandoned monastery: Scott arrives at the abandoned monastery calling out for Kim but she isn’t there. Going back to the room they were in last time he sits and waits.
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No 26 - Kitchen: Jim tells Paul he worries that he is not there enough for his kids. Paul reminds his father that all of them trust and respect him enough to talk to them. Julie calls and Jim tells her all is well so not to spoil her holiday. Helen returns to hear there is no news from Scott.
Abandoned monastery: Scott is sleeping lightly when he hears a noise and Kim enters the room. They both hug each other.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay, Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay, Jim Robinson, Paul Robinson, Scott Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Helen Daniels, Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence
Guest Cast: Jenny Young as Kim Taylor, Maureen Edwards as Marcia Taylor, Bruce Kerr as Neil Taylor
Trivia Notes
• First time the sad occasion version of the theme is heard
• Helen reveals to Jim if she had known daughter Anne would have died so young she would have given her consent for them to marry several years sooner, as they had wanted
• Jim asks Scott to ‘go upstairs and get dressed’
Summary by Paul