Channel Seven: 15/05/85 BBC One: 24/12/86 UK Gold: 30/12/92
• Nick jokes to Maria that he should have married her when she had the chance instead of Max. Maria laughs it off
• Paul confides in Daphne that he is thinking of taking Nick’s advice and quit University to do something more with his life
• Shane taunts Nick in front of Maria about Max and the car accident
• Unable to work with his father any longer, Shane quits being Max’s assistant

No.26 – Lounge:
Paul greets his brother warmly as Scott, Jim and Helen with Danny return home from the drive from Mrs. Forbes farm. Paul is wary about how his brother feels about telling Jim where they were but Scott & Danny both see it was for the best. Jim offers to take Danny over to his house and Danny comments that he hopes Max will not be there.
After they leave, Paul hugs his brother telling him how pleased he is that he is home. Julie however is not so welcoming, calling Scott irresponsible and reminding him it is the second time their father has had to rush to his aid. Paul calls her insensitive and an argument begins to start. Helen decides to put a stop to the argument and draws Julie’s attention to the vase Mrs. Forbes gave to her.
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No.24 – Kitchen / Lounge:
Maria hugs Danny so closely that he begins to feel embarrassed about it in front of Jim. Jim decides to get back to his family and Maria thanks him for bringing Danny home before he leaves.
So happy to see Danny again she gives him another hug and decides they need a coffee. Danny asks about any news and Maria explains how Max & Shane are working together after Max was arrested for drunk driving and suffered a broken rib in the accident. Danny can’t believe his father would do such a thing and remarks that he is worried how much of a telling off Max is going to give him when he returns home. Maria explains that she and Max have separated. Danny is stunned as she explains Max is living elsewhere but questions if he is the cause of the split. Maria denies he had anything to do with it but refuses to go into detail of why the split happened, blaming a difference of opinion. Danny immediately assumes Max must be to blame and assures her they’ll cope without Max being around.
Ramsay Street:
Paul finishes mowing the grass on the verge and is greeted by Daphne who enquires if he has told Jim yet about quitting University. Paul explains he hasn’t but has decided he is sure he wants to quit now. Nick drives up to them and Paul asks if they can have a chat. Daphne says hello and makes her excuses to get on her way.
Paul explains to Nick he has decided to quit University after considering his advice but has yet to tell Jim. Paul thinks Jim will not like the decision but he really wants to take Nick’s offer up of trying to become an airline steward. Nick is happy for him but concerned if it means he’ll have to cross Jim. Paul argues back that it is his life but admits Nick has influenced him greatly in his decision making. Nick urges Paul to let Jim know as soon as he can.
. . . 
No.24 – Danny’s bedroom:
Danny and Shane discuss their parent’s separation and Danny quizzes Shane over the reasons for the split. Shane cannot give Danny any real reasons why it happened and admits Max was unusually very quiet about it all too when it happened. Danny asks about their parents first separation but Shane reminds him he was only four years old when it happened and can only remember the fact that Maria was the one who left then. Shane decides he wants to visit Max to make up for their earlier bust up and asks Danny to come along. Danny is unsure and decides to visit the next time, preferring to avoid his father for the moment.
As Shane leaves, Scott arrives to see Danny and Shane welcomes him back before leaving. Scott remarks about being away from the farm seems strange and questions how Max reacted to Danny being home again.
Danny admits his father has made no effort to see him and reveals about his parents separation. Scott is stunned but Danny admits he is not particularly upset about it as it could be for the best, even though Maria is very upset by it all.
. . . 
No.24 – Kitchen:
Nick tries to talk to Maria about his confession at dinner the previous evening but she doesn’t want to talk about it. Shane arrives into the kitchen and is less than happy to see Nick and makes a point of mentioning he is going out to see Max.
Nick asks Maria out to dinner but she wants to be home with her sons. Nick can see the strain she is under and offers to take her out another night instead. Her mind preoccupied, she tells him she will see him again and Nick tells her to take care of herself before gently kissing her on the forehead and leaving.
Max’s bedsit:
Max is desperately trying to fix a new blind up to his window while balancing on a chair, when the door bells buzzes. Max calls out thinking it is a Mrs. Harris but hears back Shane’s voice. As Max tries to get off the chair he awkwardly stumbles and brings the blind down too. Opening the door Max greets Shane, explaining he thought he was the new housekeeper. Shane apologises and they decide to bond over a beer. Shane explains that Danny has returned home and Max asks after him. Max comments that he is sure Danny is not that ‘cut up’ about him moving out of home and Shane changes the conversation around to them working together. Both admit they can no longer work together and Max admits he is keen to get a new plumber’s mate.
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The Pacific Bank – Cashiers desk:
Julie flirts with Greg about having some mail for his father who is away that day at head office and Greg delights in flirting back. Des however is more interested in getting his mail and Julie hands over an inter-office memo addressed to him. Des is expecting good news about his promotion but is furious when he sees he has not been promoted into the job in Canberra. Greg comments that he was too self-assured about getting the job anyway. Julie offers a little sympathy to her friend but Des has other things on his mind.
No.26 – Lounge:
Jim is getting ready to go to work when Paul decides to tell him he is having doubts about university and a career in engineering. Paul admits he is considering taking Nick’s advice about becoming an airline steward. Jim is stunned that Nick has played so heavily in Paul’s decision making and that he knew nothing of Paul’s concerns until now. Jim remarks that he can accept maybe a change of course to study but not leaving university for a job that cannot even be guaranteed he’ll get. Jim calls Paul irresponsible and the idea ridiculous but Paul tells him he is serious. Jim won’t even discuss it and Paul storms off to his bedroom making it clear he’ll do what he wants whatever. Helen stands in the middle unable to reason with either of them.
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No.28 – Kitchen / Lounge:
Des and Daphne settle down to a glass of beer and wine. Daphne is appalled by the lack of support Des’s boss has given to him and that it has cost him the promotion but remarks she is glad he is sticking around. Daphne comments that it could be Paul who is soon on his way elsewhere and Des admits Paul certainly seems serious about quitting university. Daphne thinks Nick is over glamorising his life and comments that she believes Nick is really a very lonely man.
Paul interrupts, seeking solace from his father and to commiserate with Des over losing the job promotion. Paul reveals how Julie has a date planned with Greg Arnold, calling him charming. Depressed further, Des heads off to the bathroom.
Daphne quizzes Paul if Julie mentioned why she thought Des didn’t get the promotion and Paul explains his sister blamed her. Daphne thinks Julie could be right and maybe she should get a career change away from stripping.
Des returns and questions Paul about quitting university. Paul tells him the job Nick has promised is a pretty sure thing. Des makes a toast to the ‘smooth sailing on the highway of life’. Daphne and Paul look at him oddly and toast with a more simple ‘cheers’.
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No.26 – Lounge:
Nick arrives in the middle of the Robinson family discussing Paul’s decision to leave university and unable to escape is invited in by Jim to explain his involvement. Jim explains that Nick has clearly influenced Paul’s thinking and Nick reiterates that he wanted Paul to speak to Jim first about it before doing anything. Jim begins to lose his temper and explains that Nick now has a heavy responsibility to get Paul the job as he quit university as of that morning. Helen tries to reason to Jim that Nick never intended to make Paul quit his studies. Julie wants to make her opinion known but Jim isn’t interested. Nick comments that at least he proves there is life outside of Ramsay Street. Jim is appalled that his friend should dismiss his life decisions so easily and reminds Nick there is much more to life jet-setting, including raising a family, something he knows nothing about. Nick decides they have nothing further to say and decides to leave. Before he goes, Helen quietly asks Nick to come back and visit after giving Jim time to cool down. After she shows Nick out, Helen expresses that she disagrees with Jim’s handling of the situation but Julie makes it clear she supports Jim in this. Helen reminds Jim that Nick is absolutely right about there being more to life than Ramsay Street but the fact he has devoted his life to being a good father has meant he never had a chance to see it.
Helen advises that Jim let Paul make this choice now and it could lead Paul back to engineering one day. Jim comments that it won’t lead back a job with him though and excuses himself to be alone.
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No.24 – Danny’s bedroom:
Danny questions if Shane is having problems with their mother as things seem a little odd between them. Shane tells him nothing is wrong but is quick to defend Max when Danny starts discussing how not having Max around is good for Maria. Shane reminds Danny that he cannot assume that Max is all to blame for the break up and Maria could be equally as guilty, especially as she seems to be the one moving on.
The door bell goes and Danny goes to see who it is expressing again that he is glad Max has moved out.
. . . 
No.24 – Lounge:
Maria opens the door to see Nick who explains his plans to spend the evening with the Robinson’s has come to an early end and thought he’d pay a visit. Danny arrives and Maria introduces Nick to him as her friend. Danny warmly shakes his hand.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay, Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay, Jim Robinson, Julie Robinson, Paul Robinson, Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels, Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence
Guest Cast: John Higginson as Greg Arnold, Vic Hawkins as Nick Burman
Trivia Notes
• Shane recalls how his parents split up before Danny was born and he was four years old and that Maria was the one who left the family home to go away.
• Paul quits his engineering course at university.
• Bank Manager Mr. Arnold is discussed as being away at head office.
• Des receives a letter explaining he has not been promoted to the banking job in Canberra.
• Max explains that the bedsits have a new cleaning lady, Mrs. Harris who has replaced Mrs. French much to his relief.
• Des’s letter ‘’...and feel you will benefit from continuing to build your skills in your current position, owing to the particular demands and responsibilities in Canberra. ‘’
• Des mentions he is off to the toilet and there is a sound effect of the toilet being flushed off screen.
Summary by Paul