Channel Ten: 25/06/08, Five: 16/09/08
Paul threatens Elle, telling her that he will get his company back. Harold admits to Lou that he's in terrible trouble. Sam tells Dan to be honest and he says that he doesn't want to leave Libby.
Lou follows Harold into he kitchen, trying to guess his secret. Finally Harold cracks, saying that on his travels he met people, but women in particular. Lou is amused and tells him that "freeway love" is nothing to be ashamed of, but Harold says that he did something that he isn't proud of. Lou continues guessing what he did and Harold desperately tries to end the conversation, pointing out that Lou has a customer to serve.

Elle asks Lou to put the coffee on her tab, but Paul interrupts and offers to put it on his tab instead. Lou goes back into the kitchen to get Harold to tell him more. Elle tells Paul that she doesn't want to know him, but he defends himself by saying that he was upset that Elle told Rebecca that he couldn't be trusted. He apologises, but tells her that he needs to secure his future and wants her to sign his assets back. Elle is angry, claiming that behind every apology, he has an ulterior motive. She refuses to sign his businesses back and says that she did it for his own good. Paul states that if she won't help him get his business back, he'll find another way.

At Charlie's, Paul interrupts Toadie's lunch, demanding that he find a loophole in the contract used to sign the businesses over to Elle. Paul offers to make it worth his whole, but Toadie tells him that his workload is big enough and now that Sam is sick, he has had to take on all of her clients. Paul continues hassling him, desperate to get his assets back, but Toadie refuses to help. Paul storms off, just as Dan arrives with money for Toadie. It's next month's rent in advance that he is paying because he and Sam are leaving Erinsborough. Toadie wants to throw a party before they leave, but Dan would prefer to slip out quietly, asking Toadie to say goodbye to anyone who he'll miss. Knowing who he is referring to, Toadie tells him that Libby deserves better than that. Toadie hands to money back, saying that he'll need it to start a new life. He also tells him that if he wants to leave without any regrets, he'll have to talk to Libby sooner or later.
Back at The General Store, Harold is helping Lou behind the counter. Lou is annoyed that Marco hasn't arrived to help and Harold offers his service, wishing to drop in from time to time to help out. Lou notes that it's a turnaround from his yearning for the open road, but Harold says that he's changed his mind.
At a table, Karl, Susan, Zeke and Ringo celebrate Susan's acceptance on the drug trial. Susan is delighted, but Zeke is clearly upset. In a bid to make him feel better, Susan says that she'll need someone to monitor her progress with the new trial and was hoping Zeke would help. She says that if he sees any negative changes, she'll stop, but she needs his support. He is relieved. Dan comes over and apologises for his treatment of Ringo, then reveals to everyone that he is leaving Erinsborough. Ringo thanks him for all his support through the troubles with his eating disorder. Susan tries to convince Dan to go to school and say goodbye to his colleagues, however Helen Carr wasn't happy with his resignation to he wants to avoid her. Ringo and Zeke says that he's pretty popular for a teacher and that a few of the kids would like to say goodbye. He agrees to go and Susan is worried for Libby.

At Erinsborough High, Ringo and Zeke arrive late for class. Ringo explains that it was because of Mr. Fitzgerald and Zeke tries to tell Libby about Dan's departure, but she just wants to start class. As they begin, Dan enters and says goodbye, telling everyone that he and his wife are going to New Zealand. Libby looks heartbroken and tells him that the kids will miss him very much. Libby and Dan stare at each other, before Libby says that she needs to get back to class, wishing him a good flight. He leaves and she turns to the board, trying to compose herself, though she is visibly upset. She returns to teaching, asking Declan a question about the book 'Mao's Last Dancer', which Zeke answers. He says that dance is something that Mao loves and that he can't imagine life without it. As he speaks, Libby remembers dancing with Dan and realising she can't let him go without a proper goodbye, races out of the classroom.


Outside, Dan gets into his car. Sam is in the driver's seat and when she notices Libby running behind, quickly drives away.

At number 30, Dan and Sam pack their clothes. Dan mentions that it's a pity that he didn't get to say a roper goodbye to everyone and Sam asks how Libby took the news. Dan explains that she was in the middle of a class, so he didn't really get to talk to her. Sam mentions that Libby ran out of the school as they were driving off, but she assumed he had talked to her properly before. Dan says no, that he just wanted to go. He thinks of Libby, smiling and on their first date. Sam asks him if he regrets agreeing to move away, but he tells her that he doesn't, that he wants them to do this and that he wants her. Sam says that he has to let Libby go.

At number 28, Ringo and Zeke wash the dishes and discuss Dan moving to New Zealand. Ben runs to play outside, but Libby stops him for a big hug. As he leaves, Susan calls Libby over for a hug. Libby insists that she's alright and there's a knock at the door - it's Dan. Unsubtly, Susan gets everyone else out of the house for an early dinner at Charlie's. He apologises for before and says that he never got the chance to explain. Libby tells him that he doesn't have to explain - Sam is his wife and he deserves to be happy. Dan says Libby deserves happiness as well. He heads for the door and before he goes, says, "You're a catch, Libby Kennedy. Somewhere out there is a very lucky man." Libby begins to cry.


Dan leaves her house and walks toward the taxi. Moments later, Libby follows him. As he opens the door to his taxi, he turns around to see Libby standing across from him. They run to each other, embracing in the middle of the street. Both oblivious to the fact that Sam has saw them.



At Charlie's, Paul walks over to Elle, exclaiming that he is moving back home and that their current relationship is ridiculous. However Elle thinks that the only thing that's ridiculous is that Paul's trying to get a lawyer. Paul says that he wants to start over... again, Elle notes. He promises that the money will not change him and that there's no hidden agenda. Elle doesn't care and begins to pack up, refusing to believe that money and power will not change him. She wants her dad, but not the man he became. He says that he wants to build a life that they can be proud of and asks her to let him be a success again. Elle walks away, telling him that he can prove her wrong, but under someone else's roof.

At the airport, Dan has bought magazines and an eye mask for Sam, and she kisses him. Dan plans for their future - what type of house they'll rent and getting a dog. Sam just wants to concentrate on getting on the plane first, asking him how long until boarding. He replies five minutes and she decides to go to the toilet first. As she walks away, she peers through the glass at Dan.

Later, Dan waits alone as the final boarding call for their flight is announced. He walks to the bathrooms, describing Sam to a woman who has just left the toilet. She hasn't seen her, saying that no one else was in the toilet. He tries her mobile phone with no luck and an urgent announcement for Daniel and Samantha Fitzgerald rings through the airport.

At number 32, Libby is shocked to see Sam, asking her why she's not on the plane. Sam states that Dan was willing to give up his whole life for her - his home, his job, his friends and Libby. Libby is furious that Sam has left him, telling her that she can't abandon him again as it will destroy him. Sam says that it's different now because he has Libby. Disagreeing, Libby argues that he chose Sam, but Sam believes that he chose their marriage. Even though he loves her, Sam can't keep looking into his eyes knowing that he's thinking of Libby. Libby thinks that Dan will feel like he's failed if Sam leave him now, and he'll never get over it. Refusing to listen to Libby's please, Sam tells her that it's too late, she's left him. She hands Libby an envelope and a letter, asking her to give it to him and to look after him. Libby says she will and Sam leaves.

Dan comes back to number 30 and finds Libby, who hands him the envelope and letter. As Sam rides her taxi out of Erinsborough, Dan begins to read...
"I'm sorry, Dan. When I asked you to come away with me I was clinging to the hope that we could put everything behind us and start again. But I was asking the impossible. I've realised that our marriage is broken, it can never be fixed. I've decided to step out of your life so you can find the happiness that you deserve. If you can find it in your heart to do one last thing for me, then do this - don't come after me. You have everything you need right here in Ramsay Street. We're travelling different paths now. Dan, I want you to follow your with the knowledge that I'll never forget you. Just find the strength to put me in your past, the courage to face a brand new future. I love you, Dan."

Dan opens the other envelope, finding divorce papers and begins to break down in tears.
Regular Cast Credits
Cast: Stefan Dennis as Paul Robinson, Pippa Black as Elle Robinson, Brett Tucker as Daniel Fitzgerald, Tom Oliver as Lou Carpenter, James Sorensen as Declan Napier, Ryan Moloney as Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, Kym Valentine as Libby Kennedy, Alan Fletcher as Dr Karl Kennedy, Jackie Woodburne as Susan Kinski, Blake O'Leary as Ben Kirk, Matthew Werkmeister as Zeke Kinski, Sam Clark as Ringo Brown
Guest Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Simone Buchanan as Samantha Fitzgerald, Louise Rose as Alison Wood
Trivia Notes
• This episode marked the end of Simone Buchanan's first 15-week stint as Samantha, though she would return later in 2008 for another 6-week appearance, and
again for 4 weeks in 2010
• The song featured throughout the episode is Lost In You by Lior
• Libby is studying the book Mao's Last Dancer by Li Cunxin with her class
by Conor