Magic Moments
> 2014
> Pam's Return
Episode 6876
by Sue Hore, Directed
by Jean-Pierre Mignon, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 05/05/14, Channel 5: 19/05/14
Sheila dealing with someone putting the heavy on Naomi... Naomi telling Toadie about the painting... Brad insistent that his dad doesn't have Alzheimer's... Doug having a turn at the pub and Rick shouting at him...
Doug admitting that he’s coming to terms with what’s happening to him... Josh deleting images from Rick’s camera...
In the backyard at number 32, Bailey is messing around in the pool; he asks Amber if he should cut his hair to impress Josie. Amber says to Bailey “You want to talk about your hair when my boyfriend might have got me fired?” Bailey wonders if Amber knows for certain it was
Josh who deleted the images from Rick’s camera. Amber tells Bailey that she does, as she can tell from the look in his eye. Bailey suggests that if Josh apologies, Rick may not sack her, but Amber is certain that Josh will not do that, especially after what happened with his
pop. Bailey asks Amber if perhaps Josh was in the right. “No of course not! I might just throttle him!” is Amber’s sharp reply.

Meanwhile, at number 22, Brad tries to reassure his dad that nothing will happen to Amber after what happened the previous night and tries to lift Doug’s spirits by saying that he’s off
to pick Pam from the airport soon. Doug asks Brad where Pam has been - Brad reminds his father that she's been at home in Darwin. Doug suddenly remembers, asking how Pam took the news - Brad tells him that she's going to
catch the next flight down, and he heads off to the airport. Doug tells Josh that he doesn’t know how his nan is going to take all of this, though Josh is sure that she will understand. Doug says that he and Pam have spent a lifetime together and now
theoe memories have disappeared; it will feel like they’ve had no life at all. Josh is deep in thought as he looks at an old framed photo of Doug and Pam.
It's chaos at number 30; the babysitter has cancelled last minute, Toadie tells Sonya that she’ll have to find another one as he can’t look after Nell, Sonya stresses to Toadie that she needs to see her accountant as there’s a problem with her books, she’s behind in her
activity statement and if she doesn’t get it sorted she will be fined for late submission. At the last minute, Georgia volunteers to babysit, since she’s got the day off. Naomi then calls round to say she’s heading into the office early, Toadie suggests doing the letter to
her ex when he arrives, but Naomi wants to put it off until lunchtime.

At number 22, Josh is looking at some old family photos, when Amber walks into the house and before she says a word, Josh apologises to her - but refuses to do the same to Rick because of how
he treated his pop. Amber tells Josh that Rick was out of line but that didn’t give him the right to jeopardise her job. Josh suggests that it might be a good time to quit anyway, but Amber doesn’t answer. Josh then tells Amber that he loves her but he doesn’t like how
she and his pop have been messed around by Rick. Amber explains that if she’s going to get anywhere in her chosen career then she needs to “suck it up,” and Josh replies that there are other photographers - ones who won't abuse her “or take out their aggression on
defenceless old men.” While Amber agrees with him, she tells Josh that there is no excuse for what he did, and she then asks Josh to fix it.
In Harold's Store, Naomi asks Sheila where has she been, as she feels as though she hasn’t seen her in days. Sheila explains that she thought she would stay out of her life for a bit, since she was accused of ruining it. Naomi and Sheila continue to bicker. Meanwhile, at
another table, Rick is on the warpath again – his toddler model has had to pull out due to chickenpox and he wants a replacement ASAP. Amber looks as though she might have an idea to solve Rick’s problem.


On Ramsay Street, Brad returns with Pam, after picking her up at the airport. “The Street hasn't changed a bit,” says Pam as she gets out of the car. First to see Pam is Karl,
and she's happy to see him, remembering all that he did to help Cody. Karl tells Pam that being back here must bring back an awful lot of memories. However, Brad changes the subject and asks Karl for some advice on Doug - Pam stops him and declares she’s “on top of it,”
but Karl tells them both that if they need to talk to give him a call, and they bid him farewell before entering the house.
Inside number 22, Josh warmly welcomes his Nan to the house before Doug comes downstairs from having a nap to greet his wife. Pam isn’t too happy to hear Doug has had a nap and doesn't believe a word about him having Alzheimer's! Brad tells Pam that they’ve all had
trouble accepting it. “More fool you, I didn’t come down in the last shower” is Pam’s reply. Doug confirms that he has been having tests, but Pam bluntly asks him why he doesn’t just tell them what’s really going on. Doug, confused, has no idea what she means by this, so
Pam states that the truth is that he's been having an affair.

A little later, out in the back garden, Doug is aghast at what Pam has accused him of, Pam defends herself by saying it isn't the first time either and gives them an example of Doug disappearing,
saying he was going to the bowling club but then when she checked he hadn't been near the place. Doug is shocked that his wife's been checking up on him, and Pam then accuses Doug of making numerous phone calls to “his bit on the side,” and spending money on his
“floozy” too. Both of these accusations flummox Doug and Brad interjects to say that it all makes sense – they are part of the symptoms, he’s just forgetful. Pam announces that Doug hasn’t forgotten Jill Weir, explaining to a confused Josh that she was a woman
his grandfather had an affair with. Doug says “It happened a long time ago. She was a right bunny boiler” but Pam questions why he mentioned her in conversation just the other day. “Did I?!” Doug asks which Pam confirms and adds that he got very twitchy when she confronted
him about it. Pam tells Doug that she knows the look of a guilty man and she’s sure that’s why he was so quick to come back to Erinsborough - to recapture the past. Doug tells Pam that's ridiculous, but she disagrees and states that it’s ridiculous that he would tell his
family that he has a serious medical condition to cover the simple fact that he’s a cheat! Doug looks shocked, and Pam announces that she needs to be on her own for a while.
In number 32's backyard, Amber uses Nell as the model but Rick still doesn't seem any happier and even Georgia has picked up on the fact that Rick doesn’t have any people skills. Rick is in an even fouler mood than normal because he’s had confirmation that there wasn't a
technical malfunction on the camera and puts it to Amber that it was Josh who deleted the images. Rick suggests to Amber that it was payback because he went off at the old guy for breaking his lens. Rick then accuses Amber of lying when she doesn't reply and Amber explains that
last night she didn't know it was him and when she found out she wanted to give him a chance to apologise. Rick tells Amber that he is giving her an amazing opportunity, but she’s really disappointed him - Rick then proceeds to accuse Amber of being a “useless wannabe” and says that he'll
decide on what to do with her once they finish the shoot.

At the Waterhole, Josh calls in to collect Harold's Ramsay Street book from Toadie. Toadie tells Josh to take care of it, asking what he needs it for. Josh tells Toadie that it’s for a
project he is working on and he promises to take good care of it. Josh heads off, and Toadie and Naomi are left working on the letter to her ex, Charles Tranner and she gives him some background information to assist him. Sheila spots them being touchy feely, and she isn't exactly customer
friendly when she comes over with their lunch! “Someone’s in the bad books,” Toadie says when Sheila leaves. Naomi explains that, despite Sheila coming to her rescue the other day, “maternal instincts only stretch so far.”
Back at number 32, Georgia gives Rick an ultimatum - Nell either wears sunscreen on her face or the shoot stops. Rick doesn't want the child to look shiny, and dismisses Amber’s suggestion of moving Nell into the shade because the lighting is perfect, but just as Georgia is moving Nell
into the shade, Sonya arrives and Rick starts ranting off. Sonya tells him off for yelling at Nell and asks Georgia to take her inside. Rick then starts yelling at Sonya, and asks who she is and Sonya, yelling back, announces that she is Nell's mother.
Sonya then asks Amber who he is, but Amber has seen enough and goes to delete all the images that he has taken from the camera! Amber says to Rick “Yes well Rick, I'm not sorry that last night's photos got deleted and I'm not sorry that I just wiped the ones from today!”
Rick is furious, but Amber
announces that he can’t treat people like this. Rick threatens to have Amber charged with malicious damage, but Sonya tells Rick that if he does that, then she will report him to child employment. Rick realising he’s beat announces to Amber that she’s fired.
However, Amber replies that there's no need as she quits and tells Rick to get out of her house!

In Harold's, Karl spots Pam having a cuppa and asks how it’s going, but Pam still refuses to believe that Doug is ill and thinks that the family have been gullible.
Karl tells Pam about his dad and how he couldn't believe or accept it was happening. Pam tells Karl that she’s lived with Doug and would have picked up on the symptoms, reminding him that she was a nurse for 30 years. Karl admits that these changes can be hard to
pick up; they can be even harder to accept. Karl informs Pam that Brad wasn't convinced at first, it was Josh who started to notice things. “What kind of things?” Pam asks and Karl replies that Doug was getting orders wrong, forgetting instructions and that he also
wandered off - and his explanation to Josh was that he was off to see Cody. That last bit gets to Pam as Karl explains the tests that he then organised for Doug. Karl tells Pam that the test results all point to the same conclusion. Pam now, almost reluctantly,
accepts the diagnosis and asks that he talks her through the test results.
At Sonya's Nursery, Naomi has arrived to offer her help to Sonya, since Toadie is helping her with her legal claims to the painting, even though Sonya insists she can cope. Eventually though, Naomi wears her down and Sonya shows Naomi
the accounts, before she goes over to a customer.

At number 22, Josh has taken inspiration from Toadie’s book to make a similar one for Doug, after finding some old photos in the garage. They start looking through it together
“That's lovely Josh,” Doug tells him but then adds that one day he’s going to forget it all. Doug says “I’ll look at these faces and all I’ll see is a bunch of strangers - but the worst of it is my own wife still doesn't believe I'm sick”. “I wouldn't be so sure
of that,” Pam announces after coming home and hearing the tail end of what Doug said. Pam goes over to sit next to Doug on the sofa and tells him that she is so sorry. She hugs him and explains that she’d convinced herself that he was having an affair and asks
why he didn't talk to her to explain what was going on. “I didn't realise it myself, I’m not trained in those things” Doug explains and points out, given how she reacted and what her initial conclusion was, what does that say for their marriage? Doug then gets up
and leaves.
Back at Sonya's Nursery, Amber is apologising to Sonya for Rick's behaviour, and offers her babysitting services. Sonya then notices that the delivery guy is giving her 3000 oranges and not the 300 that she needed. “I just pack the crates,” is the delivery guy’s
response when she goes to stop him, and Sonya heads back to the office area to call the supplier.

In number 22's front garden, Amber spots Josh sitting on the grass and tells him about quitting her job and he replies that she should have more faith in herself, adding that he will
help her look for another job. “I just want us to be on the same page,” Josh adds, which Amber more than agrees with. Amber then asks Josh how it’s going at home. “Sad and scared,” is Josh’s reply and Amber makes a pact to support him.

Sonya is contemplating what to do with 3000 oranges at the nursery when Sheila arrives, commenting on the mountain of orange crates in front of her. It’s still a puzzle to Sonya how she managed to
order so many and she comments to Sheila that Toadie is going to love this, given the tension between them. Sonya then tells Sheila about Naomi volunteering to help her with the accounts and soon spots a look on Sheila's face, wondering what the problem is.
Sheila says to Sonya, “I know my daughter, she's not a bad person, but sometimes she just can't help herself. I hope she wasn't the one who sabotaged this order.” Sonya asks Sheila why Naomi would do that. “Self interest, this would have distracted you. I just hope
she isn't going after your husband”. Sonya looks stunned and worried after hearing what Sheila has just said.
Featured Regular Characters: Karl Kennedy, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Georgia Brooks, Sheila Canning, Naomi Canning, Amber Turner, Brad Willis, Joshua Willis
Guest Cast: Sue Jones as Pam Willis, Terence Donovan as Doug Willis,
James Harvy as Rick Blaine, James Acok as Jed Green,
Scarlett Anderson as Nell Rebecchi
Trivia Notes
• Sue Jones (Pam Willis) returns to the cast for a one-week guest stint, having last appeared 18 years ago
• Past characters Harold Bishop, Cody Willis and Jill Weir are mentioned. Tom Kennedy is also referenced, though not by name
by Kyle