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Neighbourhood > Guest Character Profiles > Casey Butler Richard Aspel

Casey Butler 1992
Occupation: Talk Show Host

Whilst in London after winning tickets to a Michael Jackson concert on the radio, Debbie Martin and Rick Alessi met Terry Carter, a young boy who was dying of leukaemia. When they found out that it was one of Terry’s wishes to attend the upcoming concert, but his family couldn’t afford the tickets, they gave him their’s. When Cliff Sandor, a researcher for current affairs programme The Casey Butler Show got to hear about it, he invited Rick and Debbie to appear. They were unsure, since Debbie’s parents believed that she was actually touring the Bungle Bungles with her gran, Helen Daniels, who was actually chaperoning the pair in London, along with Rick’s older brother, Marco.

When Cliff mentioned that the show wasn’t aired in Australia, the kids decided that they had nothing to lose and went along to the show. During the interview with Casey, the usually talkative Rick suddenly found himself tongue-tied with nerves and Debbie was forced to do all of the talking. A few days later, once Rick and Debbie were home in Erinsborough, the Australian press picked up on the story and wanted to run it on their news shows. Believing that Rick and Debbie would have owned up by that point, Cliff gave it the go-ahead, but Debbie’s parents, Philip and Julie were in for a huge shock when they spotted their daughter on the nightly news.

Notes: Richard Aspel previously made guest appearances as Malcolm Hampton earlier in 1992 and as Mick Chalmers in 1997.

Biography by Steve



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