> Lassiter's
> Lassiter's Courtyard & Car Park

In 2017, following another decrease in footfall, Terese looked to redesign the complex, looking back at the history of the complex and the days of Jack Lassiter and the original waterhole feature. Having spoken to many locals who remembered the bridge, which once crossed from one side of the complex to the other, and was told it was the site of many a first kiss. Inspired by the romance, Terese ordered a modern take of the iconic bridge and waterhole, however was shocked when the unveiling was hijacked by Gary Canning who had left the old couch from her office, that she had slept with Paul Robinson on, as the centrepiece of the complex with 'cheater' graffitied on the cushions.
As well as the new bridge and waterhole feature, Harold's Cafe and the law office received new white paintwork with Harold's also having a brick tiling pattern added to the lower half of the building, similar to the design of the interior.

2010 saw Lassiter's extensively refurbished in a bid to increase footfall to the hotel and other businesses in the complex. The former Veterinary Clinic, now the Erinsborough News offices, was extended to the side and rear with the front door being replaced, whilst a new mezzanine level was added to the hotel, which received new signage in an orange, black and silver design. In the centre of the courtyard, the watertanks were removed and the paving was replaced with orange and black slabs (to match the colours of the new Lassiter's logo) creating a new square with a sculpture as its focal point, bordered by modern benches and planters.
In 2012, a covered walkway was added in front of Harold's Store and the office building leading to Charlie's Bar with a retractable canopy across the central courtyard.

In 2007, Lassiter's was given an unexplained makeover in preparation for the switch to High Definition broadcasting, with the buildings now being painted grey & a khaki-green colour. The previously red roofs of Lassiter's Hotel and the former Salon, now Erinsborough Veterinary Clinic were repainted green, whilst the white pillars of the hotel following suit. The former Scarlet Bar, now Charlie's was painted black and, like the hotel, received new signage.
Following the destruction of Lou's Place and near destruction of the Medical Centre, Law Office & The Coffee Shop, Lassiter's was rebuilt and the courtyard was completely relandscaped, with the billabong being filled in and the famous bridge being unceremoniously dumped at the side of the newly-built Scarlet Bar. These were replaced by miniature windmills and water tanks as found in the Australian outback. The formerly adjoined Law Office & Medical Centre was seperated from the former Coffee Shop, now The General Store, however, the buildings still did not seem to match the layout and size of the interior sets.
2000 saw the addition of A Good Hair Day salon to the complex, replacing the entrance to the Lassiter’s Shopping Arcade, which featured in the show in the early nineties. Gone was the thatched roof of Lassiter's and in it's place was a red tin roof, matching that of the neighbouring pub, Lou's Place. In late 2001, as production logistics dictated a need for more backlot recording, the Lassiter's backlot was extensively refurbished, with a new canopy featuring distinctive white pillars, and an interior reception area added to the hotel building. In 2004, Grundy were told by officials that most of the backlot contained asbestos, and so to allow for the problem to be dealt with the arsonist storyline was developed and the season finale saw the majority of the complex burned to the ground.

Originally built for the short-lived 1981 series Holiday Island, set on a Queensland tropical resort, the Lassiter's Complex backlot sits behind Global Studios, where the show is filmed. The complex, originally featured Lassiter's Hotel with it's thatched roof and stone-clad walls, the wooden structure of The Waterhole pub and the neighbouring florist, later offices and Coffee Shop, which were at the time painted an off-white colour. These businesses were arranged around a swimming pool with a wooden bridge across it, within the next two years, this pool soon became a man-made billabong. In around 1988/1989, the Coffee Shop & Office building was given a lick of terracotta paint, with the yellow canopies of Lassiter's changing to blue.
In 1994/1995, the building was painted yet again, this time to green and remained much the same until 2004, with the only real change being the addition of red & yellow tiles to the lower part of the Coffee Shop building. Strangely, the Coffee Shop exterior set did not match the interior, with the outer windows being arranged parallel outside, yet half were positioned further ahead on the studio set. In addition, the interior set for the office next door featured a window on the adjoining wall, which was remarkable, as it would have looked directly into the Coffee Shop!
Key moments (with episode links where available)
Sky & Boyd's departure
Dylan kidnaps Paul
Ned is paid by Paul to mug Paul
Max hits Katya with his car
Toadie & Susan rescue Katya from Robert
David tries to run over Paul but nearly kills Serena
2004 Season Finale
2003 Season Finale
Darcy is mugged
Charlene & Jane stop Daphne's killers in car park

