Episode Summaries >
> Episode 9
Written by Reg Watson, Directed
by Mark Joffe, Produced by John Holmes
Channel Seven: 28/03/85, BBC One: 06/11/86, UK Gold: 12/11/92
• Jim and Max separate their sons from fighting with each other in No 26’s back yard
• As Paul interrupts dinner and leaves with a priest, the Robinsons wonder what Paul is up to
Ramsay Street: Kevin wants to go home to change out of his ‘dog collar’ before they start their work to avoid scaring anyone. Kevin mentions he has a couple of leads to follow. As they drive off in Kevin’s car, Max is seen observing them.
No 26 - Lounge: Max arrives at No 26 to check all is well after seeing a priest leave but Jim tells him they are in the dark as much as him over it. Max jokes that maybe the priest could exorcise Danny’s nightmares away but Jim senses that Max is very worried about what his son is going through.
No 26 - Scott and Paul's bedroom: Helen brings Scott a helping of dessert to check he is okay. She asks if he can think of any other friends Kim may be staying with but Scott tells her she had none because of her mother, except him. Helen reassures Scott that if she valued him, she will be back in touch.
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Outside Father Barry's home: Having changed, Kevin returns to his car so he and Paul can check out if the message about a possible sighting of Kim is true. As they drive off Kevin mentions he’s always happy to help out when Daphne calls for help.
A squat house: Sonia tells them that Kim was there, but now she's gone. Paul explains that he's Scott's brother. The girl calls into the back, and Kim is there after all. Kim insists that she won't go back but she will call Scott. Also that it has nothing to do with Scott - she's often thought of running away. Paul says that she can't go on living here but Kim says she'll get a job and survive. Father Barry says she can get in touch if she needs anything. Father Barry drags Paul away sensing the situation is getting tense.
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No 26 - Lounge/kitchen: Helen and Jim speculate over who Kevin Barry is but before they know it both Paul and Kevin return looking for a meal. Paul reveals they found Kim living in a squat but they cannot get her to return home or face her running away again. Kevin reassures them he is there to support the kids. Kevin mentions to Paul he could do with him helping out as a volunteer. Paul agrees before a brief mention is made to Kevin knowing Daphne.
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No 28 - Des's bedroom/Lounge: Des is still up reading in bed when Daphne and Shane return home. They fail to keep the level of music down and Des becomes irritated as it becomes clear they are being intimate with each other.
No 28 - Kitchen: Shane returns Daphne’s purse she left in his car as Des eats breakfast. Des enquires if they had a good time out and Shane has nothing but great things to say. Then Des receives a phone call from Paul asking him to thank Daphne for what she did last night. Then Kevin Barry arrives and greeted by Daphne is taken to her room to talk about what happened last night. Des wonders what is going on in his house!
No 26 - Scott and Paul's bedroom: Paul prepares his books for University and mentions to Scott he has spoken to Des to thank Daphne on their behalf. Scott is still undecided about going back to school and face all the teasing but Paul tells him to just do it. Scott thanks his brother for helping out with finding Kim, but they are more in awe of Daphne knowing a priest.
No 28 - Kitchen/dining area: Kevin leaves and Des makes a comment about her taking a man to her room. Daphne informs him that Kevin is a priest and that she owes the priest a lot so refrain from thinking anything sordid.
Ramsay Street: Julie is waiting to see if Des is going to work to catch a lift when she spots Shane trying to fix his lawnmower and starts to chat to him. He offers her a lift to work and she reluctantly accepts.
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Shane's car - on the way to Pacific Bank: Shane and Julie chat about her short-lived holiday and his diving. Shane mentions Daphne and how great she is to Des and him, but Julie is not interested. Julie speaks about the bad behaviour Danny has expressed recently but Shane tells her his brother is just misunderstood.
Second hand shop: Danny is with his friend Eddie Sherwin looking through the cassette tapes. Eddie steals some of them and as they leave Danny is arrested by a security guard.
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Outdoor swimming pool: Shane is met by Bill, one of the pool attendants that gives a note from Danny to call the music shop he’s being held in.
Second hand shop/Outdoor swimming pool: Shane calls the number and on speaking to Danny is asked to bring 50 dollars.
Outdoor swimming pool: Max learns from Bill that Shane has been and gone after receiving a message.
Second hand shop: Shane arrives and asks to see his brother but learns from the shopkeeper how Danny owes 50 dollars after stealing a 10 dollar music cassette. Danny protests his innocence but Shane is still getting over the fact he is going to have to hand over 50 dollars!
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Side road in Melbourne: Shane and Danny are walking back towards Shane’s car after Danny has been released and Shane paid the money. Danny tries to get Shane to believe him that it was Eddie not himself that stole the cassette from the shop. When Shane asks why Danny called him he feels bad when Danny reminds him it is because they are brothers and they should be able to turn to each other.
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Pacific Bank: Julie is serving at the counter Mrs. Brown who is in the bank with her daughter Josie. Julie checks her account and then calls over Des who explains Mrs. Brown’s account is overdrawn by 300 dollars. Outside a man takes a lot of interest in what is going on around the bank and watches intently as he enters into the bank. Mrs Brown makes some excuse as to why her account is overdrawn and also gives her sympathies about Des’s break up with Lorraine. Des makes the comment that whole of Ramsay St must know by now about it.
The suspicious man observes where the cameras are located before Julie directs him over to another counter. Julie asks Des about a lift home as her car is in repair – fellow cashier Marilyn Temple laughs at Julie’s ploy to be with Des. Outside the suspicious man gets into his car where another man is waiting for him. The first guy opens the glove compartment and pulls out a handgun. He tells his accomplice that they’ll rob the bank in the morning.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Max Ramsay, Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay, Jim Robinson, Julie Robinson, Paul Robinson, Scott Robinson, Helen Daniels, Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence
Guest Cast: Jenny Young as Kim Taylor, Darren Boyd as Eddie Sherwin, Wayne Cull as Father Kevin Barry, Kassie McCluskie as Marilyn Temple, Merrin Canning as Carol Brown, Charmaine Gorman as Josie Brown, Cindy Lee as Sonia, Helmut Gerson as Bill the pool attendant, Bill Anderson as shopkeeper, Red Symons as Gordon Miller, uncredited as Gordon's accomplice
Trivia Notes
• Daphne has in her past had to rely on the church for help
• Julie rebuffed Shane’s amorous advances when they were younger by hitting him over the head
• First mention of Des’s mother living in Perth
• First scene showing the Pacific Bank
• First appearance of Red Symons as Gordon Miller. Red is well known in Australia from being a musician and performer. His latest (as of 2007) project being one of the judges on Australia’s Got Talent
Summary by Paul